West African Examination Council (WAEC) Withheld Subject Results

By Jubi Gloria 

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has withheld the subject results of some candidates from 235 schools throughout the country.

Candidates whose results have been withheld in the 2023 WASSCE are frustrated because while their colleagues have gained admissions into tertiary institutions they are still at home not knowing their fate.

During an interaction with the Acting Controller of WAEC Sunyani, Victor E. K. Abiew, to find out what is next for the affected Candidates,  he said the examiners realized that the Candidates followed a similar trend resulting in answers that were the same. Mr. Abiew adding this should not be possible.

On the plight of the affected Candidates, he said the irregularities that occurred and the conduct of candidates are not the doing of WAEC and should not be blamed. He further emphasized that their mandate is to deliver questions to every centre and see to it that candidates are awarded the right results after the questions have been marked.

One of the affected candidate, Gifty Amoasiwaa is calling on the authorities to resolve issues regarding their withheld subject papers as soon as possible.

I also spoke to some parents of these candidates, Kofi Amoasi and Elizabeth Kroma. They made a plea to the WAEC to consider the difficulties the Candidates went through to prepare for the WASSCE  and stressed the deserved grades of candidates must not be denied.


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