By Jubi Gloria

On the international sphere, Ghana is well-acclaimed for its  exciting eco-tourism and heritage sites. But one snag holding the sector back is the under-developed nature of tourism infrastructure in Ghana. But thererin lies an opportunity to give the Tourism sector a boost through the promotion of regional tourism sites and creative initiatives as well as investment in tourism infrastructure. In a chat with the Bono Regional Director of the Ghana Tourism Authority, Alhaji Hakeem Ishmeal, he ecouraged Ghanaians to inculcate the Eat Ghana, Wear Ghana and Feel Ghana slogan, in their daily lifestyles to contribute to making Ghana preffered tourism destination in Africa.


Tourism is currently one of the four largest sources of foreign exchange for Ghana. Locally, it is not only a key economic driver creating jobs and wealth but also a stimulating catalyst for other sectors particularly hospitality. The past few years has seen the  tourism industry in Ghana thriving as a result of initiatives such as the "Year Of Return".

Another initiative by the Ghana Tourism Authority to promote tourism domestically is the call to Ghanaians to embrace the rich culture of the country and inculcate it in their daily lifestyles dubbed; "Eat Ghana, Wear Ghana and Feel Ghana".

During an interaction with the Bono Regional Director of Ghana Tourism Authority, Alhaji  Hakeem  Ishmeal he echoed that we much consume local dishes, patronise traditional wear and visit our beautiful tourism sites throughout  the country to experience nature at its best.

The Bono Regional Director of Ghana Tourism Authority also touched on their marketing plans for all the major tourist sites in the Bono Region with emphasis on the Bui National Park. He  entreated the public to consider embarking on excursions to Bui, to have a feel of its great scenery and wildlife especially the hippos in the Bui Dam Reservoir.

Touching on transportation, Alhaji Hakeem Ishmeal, was grateful that the Sunyani Airport is operational making it possible for both domestic and international tourists to fly in. He also stressed that irrespective of where a tourist wants to visit within the Region, transport is available.

Currently the five main tourist attractions in the Bono Region are the Menji Crocodile Pond, Busia Memorial Mesuem and Mausoleum, Nchiraa  Waterfalls, Duasidan Monkey Sanctuary and Bui National Park. Unfortunately all these tourist sites and lesser known ones have challenges with bad access roads and lack of receptive facilities. Alhaji Hakeem Ishmeal urged the media to assist in the promotion of these sites.


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